Intijñawimpi ujniyka iscayray acuypitucum
Intimantakausayka jamun causaytaj ruanrunacunata causaspa uj
Hallp’napi quiquinpurajpi
Maqui guatashka dualidad, ñucanchi pura cana kanchi
Macanacuypi japishca iscayrayacujcunamanta cuscas casianchis
Ujcunamanta ujcunapaj.
In the Eye of the Sun, Unity was divided into
The Sun became Life, Life created Mankind
Living in a World of perfect Symmetry
Slaves of Duality while bound one to another
Constantly missing the Balance between our own Extremes
[Text Klaus Schrefler, Translation Quechua-Aymara
Paulino Alejo]
INTIÑAHUI - in the eye of the sun dedicates itself to
the facts of time, body and duality. Three concepts as columns of our
being, words which in this combination maybe associate with buddhism
and which - standing alone - in our western world nearly seem esoteric
and pathetic.
However, indipendently from these movements this interdisciplinary and
intercultural arts project forms a circle around the phenomenon of life
itself. Its theme is globalization between the present, the past and
the future, from oppression of indigenous people via revitalizing
ancient customs in body culture to the unity of its individual parts.
The project itself is meant as an explosive statement to global
developments, standig alone and yet unifying - polarizing as a
counterpart and harmonising as supplement. In this way this piece
describes the drama of mankind as well as the drama of the individual
human being as well establishing a miraculous equation.....by equating
the individual as well as mankind with the sun with all its power,
transforming as well as destructive!
The theme of this art project is the circle of life, the red
line of
the visual presentation are the numbers one to nine, interpreted in
terms of the mythology of indigenious people in the Andes.
The project is realized in various steps:
- .The essential part of the first phase is a movie of nine
sequences with
3D-Animation [in Stereo] intended to be shown on big screens. The
technological level of digital media almost demands the symbiosis of
classical plastic arts and new digital media.
- The movie is basis for a second, integrative phase.
artists are going to interpret the context with their means
respectively, which can be performance, dance, music etc. In the center
of these presentations are indigenious people and their cultural
identitiy. The project aims at connecting the modern and the archaic
knowledge, putting together different disciplines of art, a statement
for the balance between extremes.
- The third step consists of public discussions, analysing
the situation
of indigenious people subject to changes in the global circumstances
and an the ever growing gap between rich and poor, northern hermisphere
and southern hemisphere, people with access to formal education
(supposed to be educated) and those without access (supposed to be
uneducated) and the resulting changes in social structures.