"Since 1996 the artist KaRaSu, the
two musicians Dietmar Tschmelak and Dr. Nachtstrom and the writer
Robert Riedl are occupied independently and intensively with
social "types of play" and excrescences of violence
(begun with "more harmlessly" verbal violence in the
family up to "legal" or institutionalized forms in
war such as genocide). From the "topic desks relationship"
of the work of the Austrian artists or the common experience
from their different artistic contexts resulted the idea to
the artistic overall project SAINT
SILVIA. In the project "Zum
Abschied vom Vater" the four artists are specially
dealing with forms of violence occuring within the family merging
the literarily, visual and musical artistic context. Not only
limiting themselves on the classic critics, the taboo is one
of the most interesting thematics - as a starting point of special
repression and violence to an even larger part of society."
The first live-event was the audio-visual-literarian
performance-project "Zum
Abschied vom Vater" at minoritensaal, graz, austria
on 29/2/2000 featuring a spoken word performance [in german
in a way of southern-austrian slang] with visual action &
music/noise samples; several others followed; due to requests
restart 2003.
To get an idea of the content, if you
are non-german-speaker check the visual works in "Zum
Abschied vom Vater".
Check out other overall projects by Klaus
Schrefler at the Museum of Modern
Special hint: A project dealing with the topics of sexual abuse
of children is "Rhythmen der Gewalt"
[rhythms of violence] - a video-sound performance by Klaus Schrefler
and Dr. Nachstrom, including Elmar Ranegger - a live performance
in the Dom im Berg, Graz, Austria merching the video Rhythmen
der Gewalt and several other video-performance parts of Klaus
Schrefler, such as BACK to the BONE to an incredible live-event.